Saturday, April 17, 2010

What a Day

WOW. We accomplished so much today. There is still much to be done, but we worked so hard today, and we made so much progress that I am thrilled. Boy was such a good little guy all day long with no nap at all. Hopefully he will sleep well tonight and feel good and refreshed tomorrow. Marjorie and Allen and Charlotte spent a good part of the day here helping us, and we are blessed to have had them here. They certainly were a big help with the long list of tasks to be completed.

Except for the sunburn, I am feeling pretty good. We got about fifty canna lillies, twenty-one calla lillies, eighty-ish day lillies, four rose bushes, fourteen pansies (I think) and begonias, two lilacs, a bleeding heart and who knows what else planted. We got about a ton of dirt moved. We weeded, we stacked rocks, we made a new garden, we raked, we swept, we worked.

The best parts of the day were watching Boy work so hard to help. He shoveled dirt from the truck bed into his "Boy-sized-wheelbarrow," and he hauled it, he dumped it, he raked, he planted flowers all by himself! He was such an adorable little man.

We also had a grilled hamburgers and hot dogs to eat at some point. We had ice cream cones at another point. Some of us laid on the cool grass and enjoyed time spent relaxing in the shade. We all enjoyed good conversation. We all enjoyed the company of friends.

Life is good.

We set a lot of unplanted plants in the shade of the house to wait until we get home from church Sunday afternoon. As dark settled in, Connie brought over some ivy and other plants to share. How wonderful is that? It feels so good to be making progress and getting our yard back into shape. Sooo...guess what we will be doing tomorrow. Hehe.

As I type this, it may be around thirty-three hours from the start of my RevAbs exercise program, but there is no doubt that my body worked out today while working on the yard from about 10:30 AM until about 9:00 PM. I feel tired. I feel achy. I feel good. Sweet dreams, Friends.


  1. Sounds like a GREAT day to me. Keep on, keepin on!! LOL!!!!!!!

  2. It was a great time to be alive! Spring is my favorite season. I think we all went to bed a little achy. It was an awesome way to work out while getting the yard work started.
