How many of you go to church, and how many of you make excuses not to go even though you claim to have a relationship with the Lord? There are 168 hours in each week. Can you really not spend one or two of them at church? There are many explanations that people give for not going to church. Most of them are nothing more than lame excuses: they do not want to get out of bed, they do not want to tithe, the people at church are not any better than they are, and on and on. There is one excuse that sort of bugs me, though.
I have a personal relationship with God, and I do not have to go to church to worship Him.
That is correct. You do not have to go to church. If you truly have a personal relationship with God, though, then why would you not want to do what pleases Him? God wants us to fellowship with one another, to worship Him, to be a family -- His family.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." -Hebrews 10:24-25
Did you know that Jesus Himself attended what we call church? Luke 4:16 tells us that "He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom."
Jesus...went to the meeting place...as was his custom. Hmmm.
There are also practical reasons for being a part of a church family. "Family." You need people in your life with whom to fellowship and worship and learn and feed your spirit. You need to be surrounded by Godly love and support. You need others.
In addition to attending a church on Sundays, my family and I are a part of a Life Group on Fridays. This is a small group of people that has the opportunity to dig deeper in the Word and build relationships on a more personal level. Our Life Group has a Bible verse that is "our" verse.
"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." -Acts 2:42
If you are someone who has reasons not to go to church, yet you love the Lord and want to be a part of His family, please let me encourage you to find a church home. You may be surprised when you find new relationships, renewal for your spirit, and possibly a place where you will actually enjoy being.
One last thing. Matthew 18:20 tells us, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." What better company could you hope to find?
Wow...I agree totally. Amazing and inspired blog post. I am going to re-post this on my FB wall.
ReplyDeleteI gave up on Churches years ago...Always had that offering plate in my face...They didn't understand why I wore the same Dress all the time..Didn't want to investigate...So they couldn't have known I was eat dirt poor..But I went just the same...Last Easter, when my Husband and I were at our lowest point, our friend Ken took us to his little Church..And that's the Miracle that came to Us..CHURCH!...The VINE Community Church is filled with kind, Loving, Caring, and Sharing Christian people who Love Us just the way we are...I have NEVER felt SO much Joy before..When I drive into the parking lot, I start to feel Wonderfully Happy!...So when I CAN'T go to Church, I feel down right Nasty, Horrible, Dirty, Scuzzy, Rejected, Dejected, Vomitous, Gritty,like a Snake, all Slimy...I Love my Father in Heaven, and I am just here on Earth for a very split second, but, I'm working for the Lord, doing His Business, telling his People how Wonderful He is..And what He has done for me..Just lay whatever is troubling you at his Feet, just throw up your hands to the sky, and say, Lord, These Burdens are just too much for me to handle, I'm giving them all up to you, because my Faith in you will deliver me from all Harm...When I'm in Church, I feel Strong!..I will NEVER EVER let go!
ReplyDeleteAhh yes, church. We go every week....with a toddler on board I don't always hear much of it though. It's only a season and it's good for my kids to see us going as a family unit.
ReplyDeleteLisa, I used to feel the same way when my kids were little. I would go through the motions and come home exhausted! But, you are right...it's only for a season. Pretty soon, they will be older and it gets easier. Then, one day, they will be bringing their own families to church and you will know that what you did for them, as little children, DID matter!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThis was excellent! I loved it! And you are so right. I am going to use it as a guest article with all the accolades and credit and of course the link backs.
ReplyDeleteGood Stuff! Keep up the good work, and hopefully my little band of followers will start coming here too!